The General Assembly of the Councils of Chartered Accountants and Accountants' Orders is an annual meeting for members of the association to discuss relevant sector topics. The event is organized in two sessions with the first session of the 2017 edition moderated by famed Italian journalist Franco Di Mare, and included a report by the national president of the category, Massimo Miani, who addressed issues related to fiscal and categorical current affairs.
The second session in the afternoon was dedicated to the internal debate between the National Council and the delegates with interventions of the political and institutional authorities. The convention is held at the La Nuvola in Roma which is a spacious 8,000-seat convention center designed by Massimiliano Fuksas, with 30 meeting rooms. The scenic heart of the project, is the Auditorium which seats 1,750.
Rental company Planet Service was responsible for providing the AV of the convention and decided upon a powerful Firenze-KH7 system for its short rigging time, its Electronic Beam Steering capabilities that allowed them to cover the entire auditorium with even sound without having to bend the line array. The system is also self-powered which eliminated the need for additional amplifiers to drive the system and maintained a clean look since no additional cables were required. The main PA consisted of a cluster of 3 vertical hanging Firenze-KH7 line arrays per side.
The front fill was comprised of 16 Kobra-KK102 arranged horizontally along the edge of the stage to create a long line array with pure array characteristics meaning that is very narrow on the horizontal plane and very wide on the vertical plane. The Kobras were paired with 4 Thunder-KMT18 subwoofers per side to provide the low frequencies and drive the front fill. Onstage monitoring was covered by 4 Mastiff-KM312 low profile speakers.